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Importance of Outcome-Based Education (OBE)
- Involvement
- OBE involves students in setting goals, choosing methods, and reflecting on their learning.
- Clarity
- OBE sets expectations for students and educators, promoting transparency and efficient learning.
- Real-World Relevance
- OBE emphasis practical skills and competencies, not just memorization of facts.
- Flexibility
- Offers personalised learning experiences by allowing instructors to tailor their approach to students' individual needs & learning styles.
- Continuous Improvement
- Assessment and feedback are used to continuously improve the curriculum, teaching methods, and assessment strategies.
- Comparison
- OBE allows for easier comparison of educational programs across different institutions or disciplines.
- Equity and inclusion
- Promotes equity and inclusion by providing all students access to opportunities to learn and demonstrate their skills.
A Peek at What mastersoft's OBE offers
Efficiently Map Learning Outcomes
- Pre-define CO & PO Assessment Criteria.
- Conduct Online & Offline Assessments based on Bloom’s Taxonomy.
- Easily Map Course Outcome (CO) & Program Outcome (PO).
- Seamlessly generate accurate PO Coverage reports.

Seamlessly Track & Analyse CO-PO Attainment
- Ensure error-free CO-PO calculation with Direct & Indirect Parameters.
- Track yearly attainment of Learning Outcomes.
- Experience efficiency with easy report Generation and Gap Analysis.
- Track & Analyse Student-Wise & Course-Wise Attainment .
Find Out More About us
OBE Master-Data Configuration
- Define and Share vision and mission at college and Department level.
- Define Program Outcome(POs) and Program Specific Outcomes(PSOs).
- Define Programme Syllabus, Course Objective and Course Outcome.
- Configure Course Outcome and Program Outcome Mapping in 2*2 Metric Grid Format.
- Define Topic Level Outcome (TLOs) and Map them to Course Outcome and BT Level.

- Attendance Reports.
- Student Assessment.
- Course Performance Reports.
- Course Outcome Attainment.
- Program Outcome Assessment.
Outcome Based Education Vs Traditional Education
- Ongoing assessment and student-centred learning with teacher facilitation, utilising teamwork for reinforcement
- Utilisation of rubrics for visible Student Learning Outcome (SLO) achievement and calculation of grades based on SLO assessments
- Grades linked to activities, assignments, tests, etc., emphasising practical skills and real-world relevance
- Promotion of active learning and encouragement of student ownership through positive feedback
- Flexible learning programs enable instructors to be creative in designing courses and need-based curriculum
- Emphasis on collaboration, teamwork, and interdisciplinary learning in a supportive environment
- Exam-driven approach with subjective, teacher-centred learning and reliance on textbooks/worksheets
- Vague criteria for product quality and holistic grading, with grades calculated from total scores on assignments, activities, exams, etc.
- Grades are offered based on activities, assignments, tests, etc., with a focus on content delivery over skill development
- Promotion of passive learning and rigid, non-negotiable syllabus
- Student motivation is dependent on the teacher's personalities
- Limited opportunities for collaborative learning and interdisciplinary studies
Outcome Based Education (OBE) Framework
MasterSoft’s Outcome Based Education System is a comprehensive software that enables higher education institutions to meet the guidelines of the NBA
- Course Syllabus
- Pedagogy
- Learning Process
- Assessments
- Direct Attainment
- Indirect Attainment
Levels of Outcome-Based Education (OBE)

Program Educational Objectives
Education ERP efficiently eliminates the need for faculty members to spend a considerable amount of time compiling student data.

Program Outcomes
POs defines expertise the students are expected to gain by the end of a program. They deal with the general aspect of a graduation program.

Program Specific Outcomes
Program-specific outcomes define the expertise expected from the student by the end of any course.

Course Outcomes
COs are specific to every domain. These are the attributes and qualities the students should have gained by the end of every course.
Key Benefits of Outcome-Based Education (OBE)
High Efficiency
The software reduces the manual workload of the teachers and helps them to focus on student’s progress
Easy Report Generation
Generates required reports in word, doc, PDF, and other formats as per the accreditation requirements
Better Communication and Transparency
The software increases transparency and communication among faculty, students, and parents regarding student’s performance
High Security
The system offers high security and data privacy on the cloud platforms along with safe data backup
Automation of Processes
The software automates all the processes, carries out calculations, mapping and gives attainment reports in a few clicks
Easy CO-PO Mapping
The software generates automatic reports of CO and PO attainment and mapping for large data

Yes, I Want To Automate My Campus!
We promise to offer you the best Education ERP, smooth implementation and constant support!
Frequently Asked Questions

Outcome-based education (OBE) is an educational approach that is focused on goal-oriented learning. It enables teachers to pre-define the educational expectations from the students & map them throughout the learning sessions via regular assessments to improve learning outcomes.
The main purpose of outcome-based education is to make it clear for the students about what is expected of them by the end of the course. It aims to make them capable of fulfilling the industry requirements for job opportunities in the future.
- Regular assessment to understand student’s performance
- Gives them clarity of what is expected of them
- Re-designing of studying methods for optimal results
- Helps them gain skills and knowledge by the end of the course
- Teacher’s guidance throughout the course
- Improves other skills and professionalism and teamwork